Monday, April 16, 2012

Tour Ngobaran Beach 2012

Tour d' Ngobaran Beach, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

Ngobaran beach is located in the village Kanigoro, sub Saptosari, district Gunungkidul, DIY. Located 35km south of Gunung or 75km from the city center. This beach is unique because there is a temple and some of the nuances of building a Hindu.

06.30 start from Jamu Godhogan Sido Waras cycling to Ngobaran Beach.
Route to Ngobaran beach Jogja - Piyungan - Patuk - Bunder - Gading - Paliyan - Panggang - Ngobaran total distance 75 km.
Route back : Ngobaran - Panggang - Siluk - Bakulan - Wirobrajan total distance 45km

